Proofreading Services
Proofreading is performed on your final draft, post content and developmental editing.
My proofreading consists of a thorough review of spelling, punctuation, and ease of reading/sentence structure. I place a special emphasis on continuity as well as storyline particulars, and possess a keen ability to spot dropped words. Or, rather, where those words should be! Spelling is checked against Merriam-Webster or, when necessary, foreign language equivalent dictionaries. The CMOS style guide is utilized. Comments are made using Word track changes.
The rate is 0.0035 USD per word; $3.50/1000 words. There will be one complete read-through of your manuscript. Any manuscript with less than 15,000 words will be charged a flat fee of $50.00.
Copy Editing Services
Copy edits are performed on your manuscript post content/developmental editing.
My copy editing consists of analysis of proper grammar usage: spelling, tenses, phrasing, punctuation, etc. I also source proper names and locations (movie and song titles, celebrity names, city names, etc.) to be sure they are correct. Repetition, consistency, and continuity as well as general storyline flow will be noted. I generally do not perform sentence rewrites but do make suggestions and will point out when a sentence, phrase or paragraph lacks clarity or is plain old confusing!
Spelling is checked against Merriam-Webster or, when necessary, foreign language equivalent dictionaries. The CMOS style guide is utilized.
Comments are made using Word track changes.
The rate is $0.0045 USD per word; $4.50/1000 words. This fee includes two read-throughs. I will read the story first, making some notations, before going back and then writing detailed comments and/or markups noted in red type. I like to gain a complete feel for the entire story and author style before jumping in to make final comments. This fee also, if you desire, includes a review of your manuscript after you have accepted/made suggested changes. Any manuscript with less than 15,000 words will be charged a flat fee of $65.00.
Proofreading and copy edit projects are accepted based on schedule availability. Putting a rush on projects is sometimes possible, depending on our schedule. This will involve an additional fee of 1/3 of the base fee for the project, or an alternate amount agreed upon by both parties before beginning work on the project.
If necessary, there will be an additional charge for time spent writing up/rechecking final notations. The rate for this is $25/hr.
Please submit all manuscripts double-spaced in an easy to read font. Preferably Times New Roman, Arial, or similar.
When services are complete, you will be sent an invoice based on the word count of your manuscript. All payments are accepted through PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle.